The first bitcoin appeared 10 years ago today with the mining of the genesis block. Some in the crypto community celebrate bitcoin’s birthday on October 31 – the date Satoshi Nakamoto published the famous bitcoin white paper. It was today, though, that Nakamoto received 50 bitcoin for mining the first block.
European standards organization ETSI has announced the creation of a new Industry Specification Group on Permissioned Distributed Ledgers (ISG PDL). The group will analyze and provide the foundations to operate permissioned distributed ledgers to be deployed across various industries and governmental institutions.
The founding members of the Permissioned Distributed Ledgers group include Ericsson, Huawei, Intel, Telefónica and Vodafone.
The new ETSI group will work on the challenges related to the operation of permissioned distributed ledgers, business use cases, functional architecture and solutions for the operation of permissioned distributed ledgers, including interfaces/APIs/protocols and information/data models as well as other topics. The work focus will be discussed during the kick off meeting where officials of the group will be elected. The meeting will take place on 24 January 2019 at Telefónica, Madrid.
Blockchain is a new data structure with an automated way to enforce trust among participants. Consensus algorithms ensure that all participants agree on the data stored within the blockchain. Blockchain opens the door to disrupt any industry that relies on a central authority to confirm authenticity. It also allows independent, and even competing organizations, to share information to gain efficiencies across an industry. Continue reading “Blockchain”
After half a year of working together with SV-Veranstaltungen and other blockchain experts, we are pleased to announce the first international industrial Blockchain conference to be held in Berlin/ Germany on 12-13th February 2019. Continue reading “Industrial Blockchain Conference, Berlin, 2019”
On October 31, 2018, the crypto-currency Bitcoin became ten years old. 10 years ago, a whitepaper with the cryptic title “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” was published under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The rest is known. The value of a bitcoin has since grown from literally zero to around $ 20,000 in the forefront. Currently, it is quoted at around $ 6,300, which – depending on the perspective – is still an impressive earnings trend, or just a loss of about 70% of the high. The Bitcoin became known to a wider public only last year, when the Bitcoin broke the $ 10,000 barrier. New products, also based on Blockchain technology, have sprung up. Whoever used keywords such as cryptocurrency, blockchain or the like, could expect to be filled with millions of dollars by euphoric investors. Continue reading “Happy Birthday Bitcoin – 10years”